AntiVir Server overview::User interface and operation


In AntiVir Server Configuration, you can implement settings for AntiVir Server. After installation, AntiVir Server is configured with standard settings, ensuring optimal protection for your computer system. However, your computer system or your specific requirements for AntiVir Server may mean you need to adapt the protective components of AntiVir Server.

AntiVir Server Configuration opens a dialog box: You can save your configuration settings via the OK or Accept buttons, delete you settings by clicking the Cancel button, or restore your default configuration settings using the Restore defaults button. You can select individual configuration sections in the left-hand navigation bar.

Accessing AntiVir Server Configuration

You have several options for accessing the configuration:

If you are accessing configuration via the Configuration button in AntiVir Server Console, go to the configuration register of the section which is active in AntiVir Server Console. Expert mode must be activated to select individual configuration registers. In this case, a dialog appears asking you to activate expert mode.

AntiVir Server Configuration operation

Navigate in the configuration window as you would in Windows Explorer:

To enable or disable AntiVir Server Configuration options and use the buttons, you can also use the following key combinations: [Alt] + underlined letter in the option name or button description.

All configuration sections are only displayed in expert mode. Activate expert mode to view all configuration sections. Expert mode can be protected by a password which must be defined during activation.

If you want to confirm your configuration settings:

- OR -

If you want to finish configuration without confirming your settings:

If you want to restore all configuration settings to default values: