Avira AntiVir Server Help |
User interface: AntiVir Server Console
The Avira AntiVir Server service that is installed on the servers to be protected is administered via AntiVir Server Console. AntiVir Server Console is a snap-in of the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). You can create any number of servers to be protected on AntiVir Server Console in order to configure and monitor them on AntiVir Server Console.
Please note that only the proprietary elements of AntiVir Server Console are documented in this help. For information on the MMC and on manual integration of a snap-in, please refer to the user's manual or the online help of the operating system.Starting and ending AntiVir Server Console
Start AntiVir Server Console via the link Avira AntiVir Server Remote Control in the Windows Start menu or under Programs. You can also load AntiVir Server Console directly in the MMC. You can find the pre-configured AntiVir Server Console in the installation directory of AntiVir Server Console. To end AntiVir Server Console, you must close MMC.
Navigate via the console structure in the left-hand window of the MMC. Navigation elements are also displayed as objects in the right-hand detail window of the MMC. Open these objects in the detail window by double-clicking. The AntiVir Server Configuration is located under the node Settings. You can select various configuration sections in the detail window: the window Settings is opened in which you can configure the selected section.
Commands and actions are available via icons in the detail window and via context menus of the individual console nodes or of objects in the detail window.
When configuring a server, you must confirm information in the window Settings with the button OK or Accept in order to accept the new settings. Your settings are cancelled with the button Cancel.
Overview of AntiVir Server Console
Avira AntiVir Server
Display of the created servers with connection status
Actions: Add server
The local AntiVir server and all AntiVir severs added by the registered user are displayed on AntiVir Server Console.Server
Display of server status
Actions: Start product update, update license file, reload configuration, display report file, rename server, disconnect server, connect server, delete server
Overview of ...
the system status (last system test, last update, license)
the statistic data of the on-access scan of Guard and the on-demand scan of Scanner
the version of AntiVir Server
Contact and support addresses
Display of the default profiles and of the profiles created for the on-demand scan
Actions: create new profiles, rename profiles, delete profiles
Display of the objects in quarantine
Actions: display object properties, restore object, add file to quarantine, send object to Avira Malware Research Center, delete object
Display of all created scanning and update jobs
Actions: insert new jobs, display job properties, edit job, delete job
Display reports of scans of on-demand scan and updates
Display report, display report file, print report, delete report
Display all events of the Avira AntiVir Server service on the server to be protected
Actions: display events, export events, delete events
Configuration of the Avira AntiVir Server service on the server to be protected
Configuration sections:
Scanner: Configuration of on-demand scan
Guard: Configuration of on-access scan
General: Extended risk categories for direct and on-access scan, password protection for the server on AntiVir Server Console, security alerts for outdated AntiVir Server, directories used, restriction of reports and of event log
Update: Download method (via webserver or fileserver), product updates, configuration of connection to the download server
Alerts: configuration of network alerts of the Guard and of the Scanner
Email: configuration of email alerts via SMTP of the modules Guard, Scanner, AntiVir Updater