Compare Wizard


DeviceLock Enterprise Manager provides a very useful and intuitive Wizard to compare two previously saved projects. To open Compare Wizard, select Compare from the File menu.


There are three simple steps, which enable you to compare two files using Compare Wizard:



If you wish to compare two files, which were saved as projects, it is a good idea to use the special feature of the Open Project window.




DeviceLock Enterprise Manager displays the compare result in a separate window in the form of a tree exactly as it displays information received from a plug-in during network scan.


There are two buttons on the Compare toolbar, which help you to easily navigate through the compare result. Press the < button to highlight the previous record in the compare result that contains changes. Press the > button to highlight the next record in the compare result that contains changes.


You can also save the compare result to an external DeviceLock Enterprise Manager file or export it into the text file (TXT and CSV). Select Save As from the File menu or press the appropriate button on the Main toolbar to save or export the compare result.


As with any other DeviceLock Enterprise Manager file, the saved compare result can be opened and loaded to DeviceLock Enterprise Manager. To load the previously saved compare result, you can select Open from the File menu or press the appropriate button on the Main toolbar. You will need to specify a file you wish to open. You can load files of DeviceLock Enterprise Manager type only.


To close this Wizard, use either the Close button or your keyboard's Escape Key.