Content-Aware Rules Dialog Box (Regular/Offline Profile)
Use this dialog box to manage content groups and Content-Aware Rules.
Content-Aware Rules are created based on content groups that enable you to centrally define types of content for which you want to control access. Content groups specify content filtering criteria that will be used to select data to which rules should be applied.
All content groups are stored in the Content Database. The same Content Database is used for both devices and protocols. The Content Database is a part of the DeviceLock Service policy and is also saved in an XML file with service settings that can be created using DeviceLock Management Console, DeviceLock Service Settings Editor, and DeviceLock Group Policy Manager.
There are several types of content groups: File Type Detection groups, Keywords groups, Pattern groups, Document Properties groups, Complex groups, and Oracle IRM groups.
DeviceLock includes more than 30 predefined (built-in) File Type Detection groups, more than 150 predefined (built-in) Keywords groups, and more than 75 predefined (built-in) Pattern groups that you can use to set up the desired configuration of permissions and/or shadow copy operations. You can use the built-in content groups as they are, create their editable copies (duplicates) or create your own content groups to suit your particular organization's needs.
You can view any built-in content groups but you cannot edit or delete them.
To view a built-in content group
You cannot edit the built-in content groups but you can create and use their editable copies (duplicates) to suit your particular organization's needs.
To duplicate a built-in content group
1. In the upper pane of the dialog box, under Content Database, select any built-in group you want to duplicate, and then click Duplicate.
2. In the dialog box that opens, edit the content group as required, and then click OK. The new content group you created is added to the existing list of content groups under Content Database in the upper pane of the Content-Aware Rules dialog box.
You can modify or delete custom content groups at any time.
To edit or delete a custom content group
1. In the upper pane of the dialog box, under Content Database, select any custom group you want to edit or delete.
2. Click Edit Group to modify the selected content group. In the dialog box that opens, make the required changes, and then click OK.
- OR -
Click Delete Group or press the DELETE key to delete the selected content group.
3. In the Content-Aware Rules dialog box, click OK or Apply to apply the changes.
You can test any built-in or custom content group to see whether specified files match with it. By using these tests, you can verify that the rules that are created based on the content groups meet your specific business requirements.
To test a content group
1. In the upper pane of the dialog box, under Content Database, select any content group you want to test, and then click Test Group. You can test only one group at a time. The Open dialog box appears.
2. In the Open dialog box, in the Look in list, click the location that contains the file you want to use for testing the specified content group.
3. In the folder list, locate and open the folder that contains the file.
4. Click the file, and then click Open. The Result message box is displayed. If the file matches with the specified content group, the Result message box contains the following text: "Selected file matches with the group." If the file does not match with the specified content group, the Result message box contains the following text: "Selected file does not match with the group." NOTE: When testing is in progress, the console stops responding (hangs).
Content-Aware Rules are created based on either the built-in or custom content groups.
To define a Content-Aware Rule
1. In the lower-left pane of the dialog box, under Users, click Add. The Select Users or Groups dialog box appears.
2. In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, in the Enter the object names to select box, type the names of the users or groups for which you want to define the rule, and then click OK. The users and groups that you added are displayed under Users in the lower-left pane of the Content-Aware Rules dialog box. To delete a user or group, select the user or group, and then click Delete or press the DELETE key.
3. In the lower-left pane of the Content-Aware Rules dialog box, under Users, select the users or groups for which you want to define the rule. You can select multiple users or groups by holding down the SHIFT key or the CTRL key while clicking them.
4. In the upper pane of the dialog box, under Content Database, select the desired content group, and then click Add. The Add Rule dialog box appears. NOTE: You can specify only one content group for a Content-Aware Rule.
5. In the Add Rule dialog box, specify the rule properties, and then click OK. The rule you created is displayed under Rules in the lower-right pane of the Content-Aware Rules dialog box.
6. Click OK or Apply to apply the rule.
You can modify the Content-Aware Rule properties such as Name, Applies To, If this rule triggers, Device Type(s) or Protocol(s), Actions.
To edit a Content-Aware Rule
1. In the lower-right pane of the dialog box, under Rules, select the rule you want to edit, and then click Edit.
- OR -
Right-click the rule, and then click Edit. The Edit Rule dialog box appears.
2. In the Edit Rule dialog box, modify the rule properties as required to meet your needs.
3. Click OK to apply the changes.
You can export all your current Content-Aware Rules to a .cwl file that you can import and use on another computer. Exporting and importing can also be used as a form of backup.
To export Content-Aware Rules
1. In the lower-right pane of the dialog box, under Rules, click Save. The Save As dialog box appears.
2. In the Save As dialog box, in the Save in box, browse to the location where you want to save the .cwl file. When you export rules, they are saved in a file with a .cwl extension.
3. In the File name box, type the file name you want.
4. Click Save.
To import Content-Aware Rules
1. In the lower-right pane of the dialog box, under Rules, click Load. The Open dialog box appears.
2. In the Open dialog box, in the Look in list, click the location that contains the file you want to import.
3. In the folder list, locate and open the folder that contains the file.
4. Click the file, and then click Open. You can import only one .cwl file at a time.
You can delete individual Content-Aware Rules when they are no longer required.
To delete a Content-Aware Rule