Add/Edit Rule Dialog Box (Regular/Offline Profile)


Use the Add Rule or Edit Rule dialog box to create or edit a regular or offline Content-Aware Rule.


To create or edit a Content-Aware Rule


1. In the Name box, type the name of the Content-Aware Rule. NOTE: By default, the Content-Aware Rule has the same name as the specified content group but you can enter a different name. 


2. Under Applies to, specify the type of operation associated with the rule. The available options are:


      •  Permissions: Specifies that the rule will apply to access control operations.


      •  Shadowing: Specifies that the rule will apply to shadow copy operations.


      •  Permissions, Shadowing: Specifies that the rule will apply to both access control  and shadow copy operations.


3. Under If this rule triggers, specify the following additional actions to be performed when the rule triggers:


      •  Send Alert: Specifies that an alert is sent whenever the rule triggers.


      •  Log Event: Specifies that an event is logged in the Audit Log whenever the rule triggers.


Note: Device type-specific alerts and alerts enabled for a specific Content-Aware Rule are independent from each other. For example, if you enable alerts for a specific device type and do not enable alerts for a Content-Aware Rule associated with the same device type, DeviceLock will nevertheless send an alert when the rule fires. For another example, if you enable alerts for a Content-Aware Rule associated with a specific device type and do not enable alerts for the same device type, DeviceLock will send an alert when the rule fires.


4. Under Device Type(s), select the appropriate device type(s) you would like this rule to be applied to. Content-Aware Rules can be applied to the following device types: Clipboard, Floppy, iPhone, Optical Drive, Palm, Printer, Removable, TS Devices, and Windows Mobile. NOTE: If you select several device types that have different access rights, under Action(s), the dialog box displays only those access rights that are common to all selected device types.


5. Under Action(s), specify which user actions are allowed or disallowed on files and which user actions are logged to the Shadow Log. You can select any of the following options: Read, Write, Read and Write. If the rule applies to shadow copy operations or both access control and shadow copy operations, the Read option becomes unavailable. 


6. Click OK