Use the Add Rule dialog box to specify parameters for an
online (regular) or offline firewall rule:
To specify the rule name, in the
Name box, type a name.
To specify the protocol, under
Protocol, select the check box next to the protocol of your
To specify what actions the
firewall takes for all connections that match the rule's criteria,
under Type, click either of the following options:
Allow or Deny.
To specify the direction of traffic
to which the rule applies, under Direction, select the
appropriate check box.
To specify additional actions to be
performed when the rule triggers, under If this rule
triggers, select the appropriate check box.
To specify the remote hosts to
which the rule applies, in the Hosts: box, type host names
or IP addresses separated by a comma or semicolon.
To specify the ports on remote
hosts to which the rule applies, in the Ports: box, type
port numbers separated by a comma or semicolon.