Blocked/Expired Message


You can define a custom message to be displayed to users when access to a USB or FireWire device is denied at the interface (USB or FireWire) level or type (Removable, CD/DVD/BD, etc.) level. Also, you can define a custom message to be displayed to users when the allowed period for temporary white listed devices is expired and devices have been removed from Temporary White List.


To enable the "USB/FireWire blocked message", check the Enable USB/FireWire Blocked Message flag. 


Also, you can define additional parameters, such as:


- Blocked Message Caption - the text to be displayed as a caption. You can use three predefined macros within the text:


1. %TYPE% - inserts the port name (USB port, FireWire port) where the device is plugged.


2. %DEVICE% - inserts the name of the device (e.g. USB Mass Storage Device) received from the system.


3. %DRIVE% - inserts the drive letter of the storage device (e.g. F:). If the device doesn't have a letter, then this macro inserts an empty string.


Using these macros you can create more informative messages for users.


- Blocked Message Text - the main text of the message. You can use the predefined macros described above within the text.


To enable the "Expired message", check the Enable Expired Message flag.


Also, you can define additional parameters, such as:


- Expired Message Caption - the text to be displayed as a caption. You can use two predefined macros within the text:


1. %DEVICE% - inserts the name of the device (e.g. USB Mass Storage Device) received from the system.


2. %DRIVE% - inserts the drive letter of the storage device (e.g. F:). If the device doesn't have a letter, then this macro inserts an empty string.


- Expired Message Text - the main text of the message. You can use the predefined macros described above within the text.