Security Settings View (devices)
There is a list of additional security parameters that affect permissions and audit rules for some devices types.
These security parameters enable you to keep some device types completely locked, but allow the use of certain device classes without need to authorize every device in the white list.
For example, you can disallow using all USB devices except any mouse and keyboard devices that connect through the USB.
NOTE: You can define different online vs. offline Security Settings for the same user or sets of users. Online Security Settings (Regular Profile) apply to client computers that are working online. Offline Security Settings (Offline Profile) apply to client computers that are working offline. By default, DeviceLock works in offline mode when the network cable is not connected to the client computer. For more information on DeviceLock offline policies, see "DeviceLock Security Policies (Offline Profile)."
In the details pane, right-click any Security Setting to display the following commands:
- Enable - enables the online (regular) Security Setting.
- Disable - disables the online (regular) Security Setting.
- Undefine - returns the regular Security Setting to the unconfigured state. Available only in DeviceLock Group Policy Manager and DeviceLock Service Settings Editor.
- Enable Offline - enables the offline Security Setting.
- Disable Offline - disables the offline Security Setting.
- Undefine Offline - returns the previously defined offline Security Setting to the unconfigured state. If offline Security Settings are undefined, regular Security Settings are applied to offline client computers.
- Manage - opens the Security Settings dialog box, which you can use to define and change regular Security Settings.
- Manage Offline - opens the Security Settings (Offline) dialog box, which you can use to define and change offline Security Settings.
- Remove Offline - blocks the inheritance of offline Security Settings and enforces regular Security Settings. Available only in DeviceLock Group Policy Manager and DeviceLock Service Settings Editor.