Automatic Updating Utility Command Line Switches |
If the automatic updating utility is run in the command line mode, you can input the following command line parameters: /DBG detailed log. /DIR:<directory> change the name of the folder where the updated files are placed; by default, the folder from which the automatic updating utility was launched is used. /INI:<path> use alternative configuration file with specified name or path. /GO batch operation mode, without dialogs. /LNG:<file_name> language resources file name; if not specified, English is used. /NI do not use parameters specified in the drweb32.ini configuration file. /NR do not create a log file. /PASS:<user password of http-server> user password of the updating server. /PPASS:<proxy user password> user password for the proxy server. /PUSER:<proxy user name> user name for the proxy server. /PURL:<proxy address> address of a proxy server. /QU to compulsory close the automatic updating utility after the updating is finished, regardless whether it was successful or not. The result of the update can be checked via the drwebupw.exe return code (for example, from the BAT-file by the errorlevel variable value: 0 successful, other values unsuccessful). /REG launch the automatic updating utility for registration and receipt of the registration key file. /RP<file_name> or /RP+<file_name> log to a file the name of which is specified in the switch. If no name is specified, log to a file with the default name. If the + character is present, the file is appended. If there is no character, a new one is created. /SO enables sounds (only when errors occur). /ST run the automatic utility in invisible mode (stealth mode). /UA download all files specified in the updating list, regardless the used operating system and the installed components. The mode is designed for receipt of the full local copy of the Dr.Web server updating area; this mode cannot be used for updating the anti-virus installed on a computer. /UPD usual updating; it is used together with the /REG switch to run the updating session itself during the registration. /UPM:<proxy mode> mode of using a proxy server. It can have the following values:
/URL:<url of the updating server> only UNC-paths are accepted. /URM:<mode> to restart after the updating is finished. It can have the following values:
/USER:<user name of http-server> user name for the updating server. /UVB update the virus databases and drweb32.dll kernel only (disables /UA, if it is set). The /SO switch allows the "-" character at the end. In such "negative" form the switch means cancellation of the mode. This option can be useful if the mode is enabled with the settings specified earlier in the configuration file. For /INI and /RP switches the "negative" form is written as /NI and /NR accordingly. If several alternative parameters are found in the command line, the last of them takes effect. |