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Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference


The ObjectType property retrieves the name of the object type of the connector space entry.
public String ObjectType {get;}
[Visual Basic .NET]
Public ReadOnly Property ObjectType As String


The ObjectClass property usually returns a ValueCollection with a single entry that has the same value as the ObjectType property. For file-based management agents, the ObjectClass property returns a ValueCollection that contains one item, and ObjectType returns a String. For the Active Directory management agent, ObjectClass returns multiple items in its ValueCollection, and ObjectType returns only the primary object type. For example, for a user object, ObjectClass returns top, person, organizationalPerson, and user; ObjectType returns user. Use ObjectType in your process to determine the type of a connector space object, for example if you want to determine whether an object is a user or a group.


Product: Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003
Namespace: Defined in Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices.
Assembly: Requires Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices (in Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices.dll).
.NET Framework: Requires .NET Framework 1.1.

See Also
