Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference


The MIIS_PasswordChangeHistoryTarget class represents a history entry for a password change that was sent to the target connected data source by the MIIS server. To use this class, you must be logged on as a member of the MIISAdmin or MIISBrowse security group.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.

class MIIS_PasswordChangeHistoryTarget
  String AttemptDetails;
  String CsGuid;
  String DN;
  String FinalReturnCode;
  String GUID;
  String LastAttemptTime;
  String MaGuid;
  String MIISReceiveTime;
  String ReachedRetryLimit;
  String ReferenceGuid;
  String RetryCount;


The MIIS_PasswordChangeHistoryTarget class defines the following method.

Method Description
EventDetails Returns the details, in an XML format, of a history entry for a password change that was sent to the target connected data source by the MIIS server.


The MIIS_PasswordChangeHistoryTarget class has the following properties.

Data type: String
Access type: Read-only

Gets the detail in an XML format of the last password change attempt on the target server.

Data type: String
Access type: Read-only

Gets the GUID of the connector space object.

Data type: String
Access type: Read-only

Gets the distinguished name of the object.

Data type: String
Access type: Read-only

Gets the return code from the last password change attempt on the target server.

Data type: String
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Key

Gets the tracking GUID that is used to identify the password change request.

Data type: String
Access type: Read-only

Gets the date and time in Coordinated Universal Time of the last attempted password change on the target server.

Data type: String
Access type: Read-only

Gets the GUID of the management agent that changed the password.

Data type: String
Access type: Read-only

Gets the date and time in Coordinated Universal Time when the password change request was received by the target server.

Data type: String
Access type: Read-only

Gets a string that determines if the maximum number of attempts at changing the password was reached.

Data type: String
Access type: Read-only

Gets the reference GUID of the password change.

Data type: String
Access type: Read-only

Gets the number of password change attempts that have occurred.


The class supports the following restricted set of queries:

Note  Queries cannot be combined.

When performing a query, use the following query statement:

Select * from MIIS_PasswordChangeHistoryTarget Where querystatement

In this query, querystatement can be one of the following:

Each Query Field can only appear once. All of them can be ANDed with each other.

During the password synchronization process, an entry is moved to MIIS_PasswordChangeHistoryTarget from MIIS_PasswordChangeQueue when one of the following conditions is met:


Server: Requires Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Service Pack 1.
Header: Declared in mmswmi.mof.

See Also

MIIS_PasswordChangeHistorySource, MIIS_PasswordChangeHistorySource.ReferenceGuid, MIIS_PasswordChangeHistorySource.MIISReceiveTime