 Change View 

This topic describes how to add a button to the Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) toolbar that allows end users to download the installer for the client endpoint components.

To enable the offline client components installer

  1. On the Forefront UAG server, open the folder Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway\von\PortalHomePage\Data\SiteMap\Toolbar, and copy the web.sitemap file to the ...\PortalHomePage\Data\SiteMap\Toolbar\CustomUpdate folder.

  2. In the CustomUpdate folder, open the web.sitemap file, and locate the line <!--<siteMapNode url="~/OfflineInstaller.msi?type=Basic".

  3. Remove the comment from the start of the line.

      Copy Code
    <siteMapNode url="~/OfflineInstaller.msi?type=Basic"
    	title="$Resources:Resource, 114" 
    	description="$Resources:Resource, 114"  
    	target="_blank" />
  4. Set the OfflineInstaller type:

    • Basic—Installs the basic components: Endpoint Session Cleanup, Client Trace Utility, Endpoint Detection, SSL Application Tunneling ActiveX component.

    • NetworkConnector—Installs the basic components and the SSL Network Tunneling (Network Connector) component.

    • NetworkConnectorOnly—Installs only the SSL Network Tunneling (Network Connector) component, without the basic components.

    • SocketForwarder—Installs the basic components and the Socket Forwarding component.

    • All—Installs all endpoint components: basic components, SSL Network Tunneling (Network Connector) component, and Socket Forwarding component.

  5. Save the file, and then reload the portal site from a client Web browser.

    The portal shows the new toolbar button.