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This topic describes how to install Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) endpoint components online through the Forefront UAG portal.

Forefront UAG endpoint components are installed on client endpoints using online installation mode, if component installation is enabled on the trunk for the site to which the client endpoints connect. Component installation is enabled by default. To disable component installation, on the Advanced Trunk Configuration dialog box, on the Session tab, select the Disable Component Installation and Activation check box.

Online installation mode is appropriate for end-users who have ActiveX download rights in Windows Internet Explorer, and are logged in with Power User or Administrator privileges. In online mode, as soon as users try to access the site, before logging in, Forefront UAG downloads the Forefront UAG Endpoint Component Manager onto their endpoints. After the Endpoint Component Manager is installed on the client endpoint, it determines which components need to be installed when a user accesses the site.

By default, the following components are installed automatically:

The remaining components are installed, when required. For example, when a user accesses a non-Web application for the first time, the Endpoint Component Manager installs the Forefront UAG SSL Application Tunneling component.

You can configure additional components that will be installed automatically, as described in Modifying the list of automatically installed client components.