ERP MA schema
There is no pre-defined schema for the ERP MA. Instead, the ERP MA Configuration Tool is used to generate a (connector space) schema file. The ERP MA can be used to manage any object type and set of attributes as long as the appropriate BAPIs for managing these attributes exist and are exposed in your SAP environment. While creating the ERP MA, the schema file that is generated by the ERP MA Configuration Tool needs to be referenced. See the section on configuring an MA for more details on using a schema file.
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The schema-file is not a MA and therefore cannot be directly imported as an MA. When creating the MA, the wizard will prompt you to supply this schema-file to be used as a template for the new MA. |
ERP MA configuration file
The ERP MA can be considered a flexible engine whose actions are controlled by an accompanying configuration file. The ERP MA Configuration file contains information about what object types and operations are defined for the ERP MA as well as what functions are required to execute an operation. When the ERP MA runs, the MA attempts to use a configuration file with the same name as the instance of the ERP MA.
There are differences in the BAPIs amongst different versions of SAP. In addition, each SAP implementation may have a different set of BAPIs exposed through RFC. Also, each SAP implementation may include customized BAPIs. The ERP MA does not assume that a certain set of BAPIs are available. Instead, the ERP MA Configuration Tool utilizes a discovery process to obtain a list of available BAPIs. The first time you connect to a SAP environment through the ERP MA Configuration Tool, the discovery process is launched. Discovery retrieves the set of available BAPIs and caches them for future use.
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Running full import for a large number of employees
The BAPI included in the template for the employee object type and full import operation (BAPI_EMPLOYEE_GETDATA) retrieves detailed information for employees in a single BAPI call. Depending on the number of employees in your environment and the specs for your SAP server, it may not be possible to return the full set of data in a single BAPI call. In this case, pagination should be enabled to break the full import into multiple searches (i.e. multiple BAPI calls.) Your SAP administrator should be able to assist in determining if pagination will be required.
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