This topic outlines the best practices for importing and exporting an instance of the ERP MA.


There are three class of files that make up the ERP MA and must be moved to the new FIM environment during migration. They are:

  • The MA binaries, named SAPMA.dll, SAPAgent.dll, and ERPMAConfigTool.dll.

  • The MA configuration files. These are the files that defines the execution logic for the "<MAname .xml> and “<MAName>-schemaAttributes.xml.”

  • The SAP .NET Proxy assembly which handles the RFC calls specific for the named configuration. This is named <MAName.dll>

Migration Steps

Exporting the ERP MA from current FIM server

  1. Export the MA-Export the MA as outlined in the FIM documentation. This output from this will a set of xml files which can be easily moved to the new location.

    See the FIM users guide and/or online help for more information on doing this.
  2. Backup the MA configuration files-Copy the MA configuration files (located in the <FIMInstallDirectory>\Extensions folder) to an accessible location as you will need them in the steps to follow:

    • <MAName>.xml

    • <MAName>-schemaAttributes.xml

Importing the ERP MA into new FIM server

  1. Install the ERP MA-If the ERP MA isn’t already installed on the target machine, then do so now. Use the ERPMA installer package from the distribution media. This will install the ERP MA (SAP) and accompanying templates files.

  2. Import ERP MA into FIM-Import the previously exported MA from export step #1.

    Do not confuse the FIM configuration file which holds FIM metadata information about the MA with the MA configuration file, which holds execution information for performing identity management tasks.
  3. Restore MA configuration files-Copy MA configuration file (<MAName>.xml, <MAName>-schemaAttributes.xml) to the new server in folder <FIMInstallDirectory>\Extensions

  4. Create (or copy) the SAP .NET Proxy assembly-It's recommended you create a new SAP .NET Proxy class that matches your current configuration. To do so ...

    • Start the ERP Configuration Tool, Start > All Programs > ERP Management Agent > ERPMA Configuration Tool.

    • Open the MA configuration file (<MAName>.xml); supply connection information when prompted.

    If this is the first time you are running the ERP Configuration Tool it will create a new discovery cache for this server. This could be a lengthy process. To avoid this, you can build the cache on a different server and then copy it to the ERP Config Tool working folder.
  5. Save.