When creating or modifying a configuration, the ERP MA Configuration Tool must first be connected to SAP. This is so that ERP metadata may be referenced and ensures that the saved configuration will operate correct with that particular ERP service.

Connecting to SAP

  1. To begin, start the ERP Configuration Tool. This will bring you to the main window. Click the connect button on the main tool bar in order to connect to an SAP server.

  2. Enter the credentials for the SAP server. When prompted, enter valid credential information

    • Connect To - a formatted connection string to your SAP server (you may need to contact your SAP administrator for this information). You can use the same connection string as the SAP GUI.

    • username - a valid username which can remotely log onto to SAP

    • password - a valid password for the username

  3. Discovery will be invoked if this it the first time connecting to SAP If this is the first time connecting to SAP, the Discovery process will be invoked and you will see a discovery progress window.

By default, Discovery only includes a subset of the available BAPIs.
Discovery may take between several minutes and several hours depending on your filter and your SAP environment. If you are going to use the default server configuration, it is advisable to use the default filter. If you know the ERP MA needs to be configured to use BAPIs outside the default filter, then modify the filter accordingly.