This section explains how to setup change-reference structures.

For The process of setting up change-reference structure is to associate a data structure with its accompanying change-reference structure. The change-reference structure indicates which field in the stat structure has a change.

Prerequisites to setup change-reference structures

To set and associate change reference structures for SAP R3
  1. Select the change function to modify. In our example we'll select the "BAPI_USER_CHANGE" function. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the form. This will display the "Add Edit Function Properties" form.

  2. Click the Define ChangeRef structures button to associate the change and change-ref structures.

  3. The "Define change reference mappings" form is displayed. On this form you select a structure from the Parameter Structures list (list on the left), then select the change-reference structure from the 'Change Ref Structures' list (list on the right), then click the Add button to associate the two. Once the two structures have been mapped they will appear in the mapped list (list at the top).

  • You will probably need a SAP administrator to tell you which structures are change-structures and which are the corresponding change-reference structures.

  • The SAP convention is change-reference structure will have the same name as the change structure, but with a 'X' append (i.e. BAPIADDR3 AND BAPIADDR3X). This is only a convention and is not always the case.