Client filter

As soon as the system detects the trigger event for a certain client or clients and finds a rule to be run, the client filter is applied. The filter can be assigned to any rules in which clients are involved; to enter the client filter setup, click Edit in the Client filter section. In the window that opens define client filtering parameters. When a rule is applied, only those clients meeting the client filter criteria are taken into consideration. The filtering criteria are:


· FROM Primary Server – Only clients from primary server; also the negation of this condition can be applied (the negative NOT FROM can also be applied)
· Primary Server IN - Includes primary server in the output
· HAS New Flag – clients marked by the flag “New" (the negative HAS NOT can also be applied)
· ERA Groups IN – Clients belonging to the specified ERA group
· Domain/Workgroup IN – Clients belonging to the specified domain/workgroup
· Computer Name Mask – clients with the specified computer name
· IP Mask – Clients falling into the specified IP mask
· IP Range – Clients within the specified IP address range
· HAS Defined Policy – clients with the specified policy assigned (the negative HAS NOT can also be applied)


After you have specified a client filter for your notification rule, click OK and proceed to the rule parameters. Client parameters define what condition a client or a group of clients must meet in order to run the notification action. To view the available parameter, click the button Edit… button in the Parameters section.