Database Transfer

This task allows you to convert the database format. The tool can convert between the following databases:


· MS Access
· MS SQL Server
· Oracle
· My SQL


The first step is to select the database.


If the database is an MS Access database, specify the path to the .mdb file. The path specified during ERA Server installation is used by default.

All other database formats require additional parameters to be set:


· Connection string: Special string used to identify the source database
· Username: Username for accessing the database
· Password: Password for accessing the database
· Schema name: Name of a schema (available for Oracle and MS SQL only)


Click Load current server configuration to use the current ERA Server settings. Click Test Connection to test the database connection. If the connection cannot be established, check the parameters for errors. After the database test is successful, continue by clicking Next.


Select the target database. Select Replace server connection settings to connect the server and use the new database after successful conversion. Not selecting this option will cause the new database to be created without the server updating to the new database version.


For all database types besides MS Access database, select whether to create the database tables automatically (Create tables in the database automatically) or insert the tables into the database later (View Script > Save to File) in the next step. For an MS SQL database, the Create a new database ESETRADB automatically option automatically creates a new MYSQL database named ESETRADB. The final step is to confirm the database conversion.