Job throttling enables the ESM manager to distribute policy run jobs to multiple agents at a time. The number of agents is a configurable value on manager, which you can specify in the manager.conf file. The manager.conf file is located in the config folder that exists in the directory where Symantec Enterprise Security Manager is installed.
When you start a policy run on a domain, the Symantec Enterprise Security Manager manager checks the following parameters in the manager.conf file:
The ESM manager reads and uses these parameters as follows:
Simultaneously executes the policy run request on the number of agents that is specified in AGENT_STARTERS.
Waits for the time that is specified in AGENT_STARTER_TIMEOUT_SECONDS to get a response from any of the agents.
Executes the policy run request on the next agent after either a timeout or after the manager receives a response from any agent.
Repeats this process until the manager contacts the specified agents to initiate the policy run.
Job throttling shows considerable improvement in the time that is required to complete policy runs when a few agents are not contactable. We have observed that in a customer environment, usually 30% agents remain unreachable. The improvement is based on the comparison between policy run time, where AGENT_STARTER = 1 and AGENT_STARTER = 5.
In our test, we have seen an improvement of 77% for Windows managers and 70% on Solaris managers for policy runs.
You may observer a lower or higher rate of improvement depending on the following parameters:
If all the agents in your network are contactable by the manager, then the percentage improvement may be low.