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You can use a feature on the ESM console to stop policy runs at user-defined intervals. This feature runs in the background until you stop it. You can define the duration of a policy run using one of the following options:
For example, the - e option 20:00:00 stops all policy runs that have been running for longer than 20 hours. The -t option 09:00:00 stops all policy runs at 9:00 A.M.
A property file is required to provide the necessary information. This file contains the manager names, the user names, the passwords, and the port numbers that the feature needs to connect to the managers. You should create the property file as a text file. You must name the file,the jwatch.dat, and save the property file in the same folder with the jwatch program file.
The property file is a plain text, tab-delimited file. The property file has the following format:
Manager1 esmuser1 my1pass+ 5600
Manager2 esmuser2 my2pass+ 5600
Manager5 esmuser5 my5pass+ 5600
To stop policy runs at user-defined intervals
In a text editor, create a property file, name it jwatch.dat, and save it in the same folder with the jwatch.exe file.
Change directories to the Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Enterprise Security Manager\ESM\bin\<operating system> folder.
The time specified with -t is the time of day in hours:minutes:seconds. The time specified with -e is the elapsed time in hours:minutes:seconds. The following is an example:
jwatch.exe -e 12:00:00 or jwatch.exe -t 09:00:00.
Use the 24-hour format. For example, use 23:00:00 for 11:00 P.M.