Access rights
To export a policy, obtain access to an account on the manager
that has View access rights for all policies and all templates.
To import a policy, obtain access to an account on the manager
that has the Create new policies and Create new templates access
rights enabled.
Operating system domains
The OS domains of the manager that imports a policy must also be
on the manager that exports the policy. For example, if the manager
that imports a policy has HP-UX agent domains, then the manager
that exports the policy must have HP-UX agent domains.
The Policy tool reports an error and terminates the import
process if the manager that imports the policy does not have the
same OS domain as the manager that exports the policy. For example,
the Policy tool reports an error if the manager that imports the
policy has HP-UX agent domain, while the manager that exports the
policy does not have the same agent domain.
The Policy tool disables the templates for a UNIX agent domain
on the importing manager, if the manager that exports the policy
does not have the matching UNIX agent domain. You can enable the
templates again with the template editor.
For example, if the manager that imports a policy has the
Solaris UNIX agent domain and the manager that exports the policy
has the HP-UX and AIX UNIX agent domains, the Policy tool disables
the Solaris templates on the importing manager.
Directory permissions
To export a policy, obtain access to an account on the host
computer with the Write permission enabled for the destination
directory. By default, the Policy tool exports policies to the
current directory.
Exported policies
Before you export a policy, verify that at least one agent of
each OS type that is registered to the manager has installed the
latest security update. The verification ensures that the exported
policy contains current security checks, templates, and word lists.
Then verify that all of the security checks in each module of the
policy are set to match your company's security policy. Also,
verify that the required templates and wordlists are enabled.
Imported policies
Before you import a policy, verify that the latest security
update has been installed on the agents that are registered to the
importing manager. The verification ensures that the agents can run
all of the enabled security checks in the policy.