Provide the Database Conversion tool with access to the external relational database by doing one of the following:
While installing the Symantec ESM utilities on a Windows operating system, choose the setup options that install the default database and related ODBC drivers. This installs a default .mdb native file format.
After you install the utilities on a Windows operating system that has an ORACLE client, do the following to provide access to the ORACLE database:
After you install the utilities on a Windows operating system that has an MSSQL client, you can set up access to the MSSQL database by doing the following:
After you install the Symantec ESM utilities on a UNIX operating system that has an ORACLE client, you can set up access to the ORACLE database by doing the following:
Get an ORACLE JDBC driver from ORACLE by accessing their Web site at Use the conversion tool arguments, jdbc.driver, and jdbc.url instead of the jdbc.datasource argument. See the ORACLE JDBC driver documentation for information about the driver and URL.
Change to the /ESM Utilities/ORACLE directory and run the use an SQL tool to create.sql script. This script creates the required database schema tables and procedures for the ORACLE database.