Using a property file

You can use the property file to convert the data in two manager databases to an ORACLE database.

To convert the data in two manager databases to an ORACLE database using a property file

  1. Create the property file using any ASCII text processor. Type the options, properties, and values for each manager in the file.

  2. Type a -propfile option to identify the property file in a Database Conversion tool command at the command prompt.

For example, to create a property file containing the data that is required to convert the GS0300 and GS0400 manager databases to an ORACLE database, type the following in the text file:

The following is an example:

esm.managers=gs0300 gs0400
gs0300.user=security officer
gs0400.user=security officer

Save the property file as property1.txt in the C:\Program Files\Symantec\Enterprise Security Manager\Symantec ESM Enterprise Utilities directory. Then convert the data in the GS0300 and GS0400 manager databases by typing the following:

dbconvert -propfile=property1.txt