Category: System Information
UNIX (45500)
Windows 2000 (45500)
Windows 2003 (45500)
Windows 2008 (45500)
Windows Vista (45500)
Windows XP (45500)
Title: Invalid address qualifier
Description:The specified address qualifier is not valid. Each
target address has four parts with periods separating the parts,
and can represent one or more IP addresses. Each part consists of a
number between 1 and 254, a range of numbers, or a wildcard
character (* or ?). A range of numbers is specified as n-m where n
is the lower limit and m is the upper limit. If the lower limit is
not specified (for example, -127), 1 is used. If the upper limit is
not specified (for example, 17-), 254 is used. A * represents the
range of numbers 1-254. A ? represents the matching part of the
agent's IP address. For example, if you specify ?.?.?.* and the
executing agent's address is, the result is the same as
Severity: yellow-1
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]
Category: System Information
UNIX (45506)
Windows 2000 (45506)
Windows 2003 (45506)
Windows 2008 (45506)
Windows Vista (45506)
Windows XP (45506)
Title: Timed out while profiling
Description:Communications with the address/host timed out
Severity: green-0
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]
Category: System Information
UNIX (45507)
Windows 2000 (45507)
Windows 2003 (45507)
Windows 2008 (45507)
Windows Vista (45507)
Windows XP (45507)
Title: ESM found
Description:Symantec ESM was found at/on the indicated
Severity: green-0
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]
Category: System Information
UNIX (45510)
Windows 2000 (45510)
Windows 2003 (45510)
Windows 2008 (45510)
Windows Vista (45510)
Windows XP (45510)
Title: ESM candidate
Description:Symantec ESM was not found at the address or on the
host, and the responding hardware appears to be a candidate for a
Symantec ESM installation.
Severity: yellow-1
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]
Category: System Information
UNIX (45511)
Windows 2000 (45511)
Windows 2003 (45511)
Windows 2008 (45511)
Windows Vista (45511)
Windows XP (45511)
Title: Non-ESM candidate
Description:Symantec ESM was not found at the address or on the
host, and the responding hardware does not appear to be a candidate
for a Symantec ESM installation. Common measures employed to secure
computers can prevent the Discovery module from identifying remote
operating systems. The more secure a remote computer, the less
likely the Discovery module will be able to identify the operating
system. If the Discovery module cannot identify the operating
system of a remote computer, Symantec ESM reports this message.
Severity: green-0
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]