Category: ESM Error
Windows 2000 (109854)
Windows 2003 (209854)
Windows 2008 (252854)
Title: Share effective permissions
Description:The specified user has the listed effective
permissions for the share. These permissions do not take into
account any local permission the user may have to folders on the
share. If the user inherits these permissions, then the inheritance
trail to the group granting the permissions is also displayed.
Severity: green-0
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]
Category: ESM Error
Windows 2000 (109855)
Windows 2003 (209855)
Windows 2008 (252855)
Title: Total effective permissions
Description:The specified user has the listed total effective
permissions for the folder. These permissions are those available
to the user when the folder is accessed through the reported share.
If the user inherits these permissions, then the inheritance trail
to the group granting the permissions is also displayed.
Severity: green-0
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]