Report alternate share paths (Windows)
Module: File System
Supported Platforms:
Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 2008
This check reports shares
specified in enabled templates that can also be accessed from an
alternate share. The alternate share may be a shared parent folder,
or an alternate share name for the same folder.
The following table lists
the error message for the check.
Table: Error message for Report alternate share
Message String ID and Category
Platform and Message Numeric ID
Message Title and Description
Additional Information
Category: ESM Error
Windows 2000 (109857)
Windows 2003 (209857)
Windows 2008 (252857)
Title: Alternate share path
Description:The share reported in the name field can also be
accessed through the share displayed in the information field.
Nested shares may provide a less secure path to folders on the
agent system.
Severity: green-0
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]