Internet Connection Firewall (Windows)
Module: Network
Supported Platforms:
Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP
This check allows you to
specify whether Windows basic Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) is
required or forbidden on the host. To require the firewall, enable
the key. To forbid it, disable the key. A message is reported if
the policy is violated. This information is currently not available
on Itanium based systems.
The following table lists
the error message for the check.
Table: Error message for Internet Connection
Message String ID and Category
Platform and Message Numeric ID
Message Title and Description
Additional Information
Category: Change Notification
Windows 2003 (206365)
Windows 2008 (249365)
Windows Vista (229364)
Windows XP (201364)
Title: Internet Connection Firewall policy violation
Description:The configuration of Internet Connection Firewall
(ICF) (Windows basic firewall) does not comply with the policy for
this host. See the information field.
Severity: yellow-3
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]