Category: System Information
Windows 2000 (105833)
Windows 2003 (205833)
Windows 2008 (248833)
Windows Vista (228833)
Windows XP (200833)
Title: Disallowed services running
Description:The service is disallowed, but is installed and
running. Use the Correct feature to stop the service and uninstall
it. If the service should be allowed, remove it from the Disallowed
Services name list.
Severity: red-4
Correctable: true
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]
Category: System Information
Windows 2000 (105834)
Windows 2003 (205834)
Windows 2008 (248834)
Windows Vista (228834)
Windows XP (200834)
Title: Disallowed services installed
Description:The service is disallowed, but is installed.
Uninstall the service or remove it from the Disallowed Services
name list.
Severity: yellow-1
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]
Category: System Information
Windows 2000 (105844)
Windows 2003 (205844)
Windows 2008 (248844)
Windows Vista (228844)
Windows XP (200844)
Title: Service named by more than one name list
Description:The service exists in more than one of the following
name lists: Required services, Disallowed services, and Unknown
services. Remove the service from all but one of the name lists,
then rerun the audit.
Severity: red-4
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [Found in both %s and %s lists]