Security event log size (Windows)

Module: System Auditing

Supported Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2008

This check reports a problem when the maximum size of the security event log is less than the specified log size in kilobytes.

The following table lists the error message for the check.

Table: Error message for Security event log size

Message String ID and Category

Platform and Message Numeric ID

Message Title and Description

Additional Information


Category: Policy Compliance

  • Windows 2000 (106132)

  • Windows 2003 (206132)

  • Windows XP (201132)

Title: Security event log size is too small

Description:The maximum size of the security event log is smaller than the size that is specified in your Symantec ESM policy. Information in the security event log can be overwritten sooner than expected.

Severity: yellow-1

Correctable: true

Snapshot Updatable: false

Template Updatable: false

Information Field Format: [Log size: %s kilobytes; expected: %s kilobytes]