Category: Policy Compliance
Windows 2000 (106130)
Windows 2003 (206130)
Windows 2008 (249130)
Windows Vista (229130)
Windows XP (201130)
Title: Security event auditing is not enabled
Description:Security event auditing is not enabled. Audit trails
will not be generated. Enable security event auditing to be able to
track unauthorized users during or after a break-in.
Severity: red-4
Correctable: true
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]
Category: Policy Compliance
Windows 2000 (106131)
Windows 2003 (206131)
Windows 2008 (249131)
Windows Vista (229131)
Windows XP (201131)
Title: Security event audit settings are too weak
Description:Security event audit settings are weaker than those
specified in your Symantec ESM security policy. Some actions on
this system will not be audited unless the related action settings
are enabled. Change the event audit settings to match the
Severity: yellow-1
Correctable: true
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]