Supported Platforms: UNIX, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Enable this option to identify Symantec ESM and Symantec Intruder Alert candidates. Disable the option to report only systems currently running these products. When the option is disabled, all devices that are not running these products are reported as non-candidates. This is a time consuming option. Though it does not tax CPU usage, profiling can take several minutes per IP address. Profiling examines the following ports to determine the type of network device: tcpmux 1, echo 7, discard 9, systat 11, daytime 13, netstat 15, quote 17, ttytst 19, ftp 21, telnet 23, smtp 25, time 37, domain 53, finger 79, http 80, pop-2 109, pop-3 110, rpcbind 111, loc-srv 135, netbios-ssn 139, exec 512, login 513, shell 514, printer 515, uucp 540, and x-server 6000.