Category: Policy Compliance
UNIX (5268)
Title: Failed SU attempts exceed limits
Description:The user has exceeded the number of allowed failed
su attempts. SU failures might indicate an attempted break in. This
is especially true if there have been a large number of failures on
only a few accounts. Contact the system administrator if these
attempts are coming from a site outside your organization. Also,
verify that the reported users have secure passwords and network
Severity: red-4
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [SU attempts: %s; Failed: %s; Limit:
%s; Hours: %s]
Category: Policy Compliance
UNIX (5265)
Title: Invalid failed login parameters
Description:Parameters for the Excessive failed logins on agent
and Excessive failed logins for users checks must be expressed
using numbers and separated by a forward slash (/). The first
number indicates the number of allowed login failures. The second
number indicates the time period (in hours). For example, 5/24
indicates that five login failures are allowed within a 24 hour
Severity: yellow-1
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]