File write auditing (UNIX)

Module: System Auditing

This check verifies that specified files are audited for Write actions. Specify full path names in the file list for files that should be audited. This check is currently supported only on AIX operating systems.

The following table lists the error messages for the check.

Table: Error messages for File write auditing

Message String ID and Category

Platform and Message Numeric ID

Message Title and Description

Additional Information


Category: Policy Compliance

UNIX (6149)

Title: Write actions not audited

Description:The named file is not being audited for Write actions.

Severity: yellow-3

Correctable: false

Snapshot Updatable: false

Template Updatable: false

Information Field Format: []


Category: Policy Compliance

UNIX (6147)

Title: Auditing not enabled

Description:System auditing is not currently enabled.

Severity: red-4

Correctable: false

Snapshot Updatable: false

Template Updatable: false

Information Field Format: [%s]