Category: System Information
UNIX (6034)
Title: Mail box is not matched by a user account
Description:The listed mail boxes do not have corresponding user
accounts on the system. Mail boxes that do not have corresponding
user accounts are inconsistencies in your system. You should remove
these mail boxes.
Severity: green-0
Correctable: false
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]
Category: System Information
UNIX (6035)
Title: Mail box is owned by another user
Description:The listed mail boxes are owned by other users. This
is a security problem because unauthorized users can read or write
to these mail boxes and authorized users do not have access to
their own mail. You should change the ownership of these mail boxes
to the correct users.
Severity: yellow-1
Correctable: true
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]
Category: System Information
UNIX (6036)
Title: Mail box grants read/write permissions
Description:The listed mail boxes grant read or write
permissions to either group or others. This is a security problem
because users other than the owners can read or write to these mail
boxes. You should change the permissions on these mail boxes so
only the owners have read and write permissions.
Severity: yellow-1
Correctable: true
Snapshot Updatable: false
Template Updatable: false
Information Field Format: [%s]