Advanced View

The eToken Properties Advanced view provides additional token management functions.

Click Advanced on the Simple view toolbar and the eToken Properties window opens in the Advanced view.

The toolbar along the top offers these functions:

Back: switches to the Simple view

Refresh: refreshes the displayed data for all connected tokens

Help: launches the online help

A hyperlink to the eToken website, eToken Home, is located at the top left of the window.

A Status Bar at the bottom of the window displays additional information about the highlighted object, such as the number of connected readers, or the current logon state.

The left pane provides a tree view of the various objects to be managed. When a token is inserted, the tree expands to show objects and details of the inserted token.

Select an object in the tree, and information about the object appears in the right pane.

Right click an object to open a shortcut menu of commands specifically for that object.