Unlocking an eToken using Challenge - Responsee


To unlock a token using Challenge – Response:

  1. To open eToken PKI Client Properties, do one of the following:

The eToken PKI Client Properties window opens.

  1. In the left pane of the eToken PKI Client Properties window, select the eToken to be unlocked.

  2. Click Unlock eToken in the right pane.

The Unlock eToken window is displayed.

  1. Contact the administrator and provide the Challenge Data.

Note: To copy the challenge data to the clipboard, click on the Copy challenge data to clipboard icon

Caution: After providing the Challenge Data to the administrator, do not undertake any activities that use the token until after receiving the Response Data and completing the unlocking procedure. If any other token activity occurs during this process, it will affect the context of the Challenge – Response process and invalidate the procedure.

The administrator provides the Response Data to be entered.

Note: The creation of response data depends on the backend application being used by the organization. System administrators should refer to the relevant documentation for details on how to generate the response data.

  1. Enter a new token password in the Password and Confirm fields.

  2. Select Change password on first logon if the new password is known to others and must be changed.

  3. Click OK.

The token is unlocked and a confirmation message is displayed.

See Also:

eToken Management