To uninstall Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server (FPE), log on to the computer on which it is installed using the same account (or one with similar privileges) with which you installed FPE. You can uninstall FPE by using the Add or Remove Programs option in Control Panel, or you can start the uninstall program from the command prompt.
To uninstall from Control Panel-
Ensure that the Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server Administrator Console is not running or open.
In previous versions of FPE, you were required to stop the Microsoft Forefront Server Protection Controller service prior to uninstalling FPE. This is no longer the case. -
In Control Panel, click Add or Remove Programs.
In the Currently installed programs list, click Microsoft Forefront Server Protection, and then click Remove. Click Yes in order to confirm the deletion.
On the Uninstall Complete page, click Finish.
Any settings that you have made still remain in the configuration file in the Microsoft Forefront Protection for Exchange Server folder in Program Files(x86) (or whatever folder you installed to). The incidents database file, Statistics.xml file, and your licensing information also remain.
If you will be reinstalling FPE and want to retain those settings, do nothing.
If you will not be reinstalling FPE or you want to start with fresh settings, delete that folder. If you are not planning to reinstall FPE, restart the stopped Exchange services.
Ensure that the Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server Administrator Console is not running or open.
In previous versions of FPE, you were required to stop the Microsoft Forefront Server Protection Controller service prior to uninstalling FPE. This is no longer the case. -
From the command prompt, start the uninstall program in one of the following ways:
- Interactive uninstall (UI)—Type the
following: Msiexec /x {DE93D4F0-F245-405d-89B2-08C75E0b9A4B}
- Passive uninstall—Type the following:
Msiexec /passive /x {DE93D4F0-F245-405d-89B2-08C75E0b9A4B}
- Silent uninstall—Type the following:
Msiexec /quiet /x {DE93D4F0-F245-405d-89B2-08C75E0b9A4B}
To remove the data when uninstalling, set the optional REMOVEDATA=1 flag. It is case-sensitive and must be uppercase. - Interactive uninstall (UI)—Type the
following: Msiexec /x {DE93D4F0-F245-405d-89B2-08C75E0b9A4B}
Any settings that you have made still remain in the configuration file in the Microsoft Forefront Protection for Exchange Server folder in Program Files(x86) (or whatever folder you installed to). The incidents database file, Statistics.xml file, and your licensing information also remain.
If you will be reinstalling FPE and want to retain those settings, do nothing.
If you will not be reinstalling FPE, or if you want to start with fresh settings, delete that folder. If you are not planning to reinstall FPE, restart the stopped Exchange services.