You can bypass Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server (FPE) virus scanning and spam scanning of messages that were already scanned by Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE). By default, FPE performs virus and spam scanning on messages that were already scanned by FOPE. When you elect to bypass virus scanning for these messages, FPE still scans for spyware and performs filtering operations.
To bypass virus and spam scanning-
In the Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server Administrator Console's Policy Management view, in the tree, expand Global Settings, and then click Advanced Options.
In the Global Settings - Advanced Options pane, in the Scans section, select Rescan messages already scanned by Forefront Online Protection for Exchange.
Clear one or both of the following sub-options:
- To bypass FPE virus scanning, clear the
Rescan messages already virus scanned check box.
- To bypass FPE spam scanning, clear the
Rescan messages already spam scanned check box.
- To bypass FPE virus scanning, clear the
Rescan messages already virus scanned check box.
Click Save.