Use the management agent for LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) to synchronize data in LDIF format.
Connected data source support
LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF)
Management agent type
This is a file-based management agent.
The schema is generated based on the discovery of the data in the template input file. When you refresh the schema for this management agent, Management Agent Designer starts, reads the template input file, and then updates the management agent schema. Then, you can update the management agent configuration based on the new schema.
- LDIF data consists of one or more entries
separated by a blank line. Each entry consists of an optional entry
ID, a required distinguished name, one or more object classes, and
attribute definitions for each object class definition. Binary data
must be base64 encoded. The following is an example of an LDIF file
with two entries, with the second entry containing a
base-64-encoded value:
dn: cn=Barry Johnson, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: organizationalPerson cn: Barry Johnson sn: Johnson telephonenumber: +1 408 555 0212 dn: cn=Brian Johnson, ou=Accounting, dc=airius, dc=com objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: organizationalPerson cn: Brian Johnson sn: Johnson telephonenumber: +1 408 555 0212 description:: V2hhdCBhIGNhcmVmdWwgcmVhZGVyIHlvdSBhcmUhICBUaGlzIHZhbHVl IGlzIGJhc2UtNjQtZW5jb2RlZCBiZWNhdXNlIGl0IGhhcyBhIGNvbnRyb2wgY2hhcmFjdGVyIGluIGl0IChhIENSKS4NICBCeSB0aGUgd2F5LCB5b3Ugc2hvdWxkIHJlYWxseSBnZXQg b3V0IG1vcmUu
- Add adds a new value to an attribute
that does not currently have a value.
- Delete deletes all values of an
- Modify adds, deletes, or replaces the
values of an attribute.
- Moddn renames an object.
- Modrdn renames an object.
dn: cn=Barry Johnson, ou=Product Development, dc=ABC, dc=com changetype: modify add: postaladdress postaladdress: 123 Anystreet $ Redmond, WA $ 98000 - delete: description - replace: telephonenumber telephonenumber: 425 555 0197 telephonenumber: 425 555 0198 - delete: facsimiletelephonenumber facsimiletelephonenumber: 425 555 0199
When you create a management agent for LDIF, the sample file should contain all object classes that you plan to use. If, during an import from a data file, FIM encounters an object class that has not been defined, or mapped, it will only traverse the object class hierarchy to the level that was defined in the sample file.
For example, you map the object classes in the following table from the sample file during the creation of the management agent.
Object class in sample file Mapped to object type in management agent top, OrganizationalUnit
top, person
top, person, organizationalPerson
For example, given the mappings defined above, FIM maps defined and undefined object classes as shown in the following table.
Object class Object type top, organizationalUnit
top, organizationalUnit, container
top, person
top, person, inetOrgPerson
top, person, organizationalPerson
top, person, organizationalPerson, inetOrgPerson
- Add adds a new value to an attribute
that does not currently have a value.
- FIM treats all data as case sensitive.
- File-based management agents do not export
characters that are not in the destination code page. FIM fails
when it attempts to export objects that contain any character that
is not in the target connected data source code page. If you try to
avoid this behavior by converting the file to Unicode and then
doing a best-fit translation, FIM cannot confirm the export. As a
workaround, you can do your own file translation during export
attribute flow.
- For file-based management agents, the
template input file should contain all the object classes and
attributes that will be synchronized, and it should be in a full
import format.
- If you use a template input file that is
larger than 200 KB, FIM analyzes only the first 100 objects
when discovering the schema. As a result, if there are object
classes and attributes that you want to synchronize that do not
appear in the first 100 objects, manually add those object classes
and attributes as connector space object types and attributes.
Depending on the size of the file, a delay might occur when FIM
reads the entire file.
- This management agent supports password
management. For more information, see See Also.
See Also
- Configuring Management Agents
- Create a Management Agent
- Select a Template Input File
- Configure Attributes
- Map Object Types
- Define Object Types
- Configure Partitions
- Configure Connector Filter Rules
- Configure Join and Projection Rules
- Configure Attribute Flow Rules
- Configure Deprovisioning Rules
- Configure Password Management and Specify Rules Extensions
- Password management