In Forefront Identity Manager Certificate Management (FIM CM), once you have created a class that will act as a Notification handler you must register the notification handler by placing an entry in to the <CLMNotifications> area of the FIM CM web.config file. The entry’s format is as follows:

  Copy Code
   <add event="ApproveRequest" class="FullyQualifiedClassName,FullyQualifiedAssemblyName" initializationData="DataToBePassedToInitializeMethod"/>

There must be one configuration entry for each Notification handler. Each entry contains three elements:

  1. event: The type of event that the notification handler is subscribing to. This is based on the NotificationType property of the Notification class. Possible types are listed in NotificationType.

  2. class: This is simply the fully qualified name of the notification handler’s class

  3. initializationData: This is a string that will be passed to the notification handler’s Initialize method on startup. You can then use this string in your handler’s logic to do some configuration. For example, the string might represent a filename where the handler will log data, or you might use the string to evaluate case conditions. It is worth emphasizing that this is not the data that is passed to the handler’s Notify method when the corresponding event is triggered; this data is passed only once as a string to the handler’s Initialize method.

See Also