Public Properties

  Name Description
public property AdminPinPolicy Gets the smart card admin PIN policy.
public property AllowSmartcardReuse Gets a Boolean value that indicates if a smart card that has been previously discontinued can be issued to a new user.
public property CardInitializationData Gets the initialization data for the smart card initialization provider.
public property CardInitializationType Gets the fully qualified name of the .NET Framework type of the smart card initialization provider.
public property CertificateLabel Gets the certificate friendly name that is applied to certificates that are issued.
public property DefaultAdminKeyHex Gets the default admin key in HEX format.
public property DiversifyAdminKey Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the smart card admin key is diversified.
public property DoNotInstallCaCertificates Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the full certificate chain will not be installed on the client.
public property EraseOnOverflow Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the smart card will be erased if a smart card overflow occurs.
public property InitializeNewSmartcard Gets a Boolean value that indicates if new smart cards are initialized before being used.
public property MaxNumberOfCertificates Gets the maximum number of certificates that can be stored on a smart card.
public property ProviderId Gets the identifier of the smart card provider.
public property ProviderName Gets the name of the smart card provider.
public property ProviderType Gets the type of the smart card provider.
public property SmartcardPrintPolicy Gets the smart card print policy.
public property UserPinOption Gets the smart card initial user PIN policy.
public property UserPinPolicy Gets the smart card user PIN policy.
public property UseSecureKeyInjection Gets a Boolean value that indicates if secure key injection protocol will be used for the profile template.

See Also