FIM requires that all instances of certain object types have a value on one or more properties that is unique for that object type. FIM will reject Create requests that do not satisfy these uniqueness rules. FIM will reject requests to modify object properties if the change would cause the resulting object to not conform to a uniqueness rule.
Most of these uniqueness rules are only enforced on the current values of all object instances. Deleted objects or previous property values at a particular moment in time do not have to conform to the uniqueness rules listed below except as specified. For example, the ObjectID property of all object instances must be unique, including objects that were previously marked deleted but still exist in the FIM Service database as part of historical data.
Uniqueness Rules
The following uniqueness rules are required by FIM:
- The combination of the
BoundAttributeType and BoundObjectType properties
must be unique across all current BindingDescription
- The Name property of each current
instance must be unique.
- The Name property of each current
instance must be unique.
- The ObjectID property of all FIM
resource instances has to be unique, including deleted objects.
- The combination of the Domain and
AccountName properties must be unique across all current
resource instances (see Group and Person). In
addition, if a particular resource instance does not have a value
for AccountName, then the Domain property value has
to be unique across all current object instances. If a particular
object instance does not have a value for Domain, then the
AccountName property value has to be unique across all
current object instances. The uniqueness rules for the
Domain and AccountName properties do not apply to
custom objects that do not have both properties.