Public Properties (see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property Activities  (Inherited from CompositeActivity)
public property ActorId Specifies the resource that is used to calculate management policy rules that affect a request that is created by the activity. Activities can perform only the operations for which the ActorID property has been granted rights.
public property ApprovalCompleteEmailTemplate Contains a reference to the ObjectID of the EmailTemplate resource that is sent to all approvers when the ApprovalActivity completes execution because the ApprovalThreshold is reached.
public property ApprovalDeniedEmailTemplate Contains a reference to the ObjectID of the EmailTemplate resource that is sent to the requester if an approval is denied.
public property ApprovalEmailTemplate Contains a reference to the ObjectID of the EmailTemplate resource that is sent to all approvers to enable them to approve or reject a request.
public property ApprovalObject Contains a reference to the Approval resource that is created by the activity.
public property ApprovalObjectId Represents the Approval resource that is created by the activity.
public property ApprovalResponseCreateParameters Reserved for future use.
public property ApprovalTimeout Indicates the time that the approvers have to respond to the approval before it escalates or times out.
public property ApprovalTimeoutEmailTemplate Contains a reference to the ObjectID of the EmailTemplate resource that is sent to the requester if the approval times out.
public property ApproverId Reserved for future use.
public property Approvers Indicates the approvers for the request.
public property AutomatedResponseObjectId  
public property CurrentApprovalResponse Represents the type of approval response that is currently being evaluated by the ApprovalActivity.
public property CurrentApprovalResponseActorId Represents the ObjectID of the Person object that sent the ApprovalResponse that is currently being evaluated by the ApprovalActivity.
public property Description  (Inherited from Activity)
public property Duration Indicates the number of days until the activity escalates or times out. The default value is taken from the DefaultTimeout parameter. The default value is 7.00:00:00.0000000 (7 days).
public property Enabled  (Inherited from Activity)
public property EnabledActivities  (Inherited from CompositeActivity)
public property Escalation Lists the approvers for the request that are used after the ApprovalTimeout value is reached.
public property EscalationEmailTemplate Contains a reference to the EmailTemplate resource that is used to send an e-mail message to the approvers on the Escalation property after the approval has been escalated.
public property ExecutionResult  (Inherited from Activity)
public property ExecutionStatus  (Inherited from Activity)
public property IsApproved Indicates whether the approval request has been approved.
public property IsDynamicActivity  (Inherited from Activity)
public property IsRequestorApprover  
public property Name  (Inherited from Activity)
public property Parent  (Inherited from Activity)
public property QualifiedName  (Inherited from Activity)
public property ReceivedApprovals Indicates the number of approvals that have been received.
public property RejectedReason Contains the value of the Reason attribute of the ApprovalResponse resource that is associated with the activity instance.
public property Request Represents the request associate with the current ApprovalActivity.
public property RequestId Contains a reference to the Request object that the ApprovalActivity was created for, to determine whether the request should be approved or denied.
public property RequestTimedOut Indicates whether the request has timed out.
public property ServiceAccountId Gets the ID of the Forefront Identity Manager Service Account resource.
public property Site  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public property TargetId Indicates the target of the request.
public property Threshold Contains the total number of approvals that are required for the activity to be approved.
public property UserData  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public property ValidApprovers Indicates the valid approvers for the request.
public property ValidApproversAndEscalators  
public property ValidEscalators Contains the valid escalation approvers.
public property WorkflowDefinitionId Contains a reference to the workflow that is associated with the ApprovalActivity.
public property WorkflowDictionary Contains information that can be accessed by all activities that are associated with the workflow.

Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property CanModifyActivities  (Inherited from CompositeActivity)
protected property DesignMode  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
protected property ParentDependencyObject  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
protected property WorkflowInstanceId  (Inherited from Activity)

See Also