Public Properties (see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property AuthenticationChallenge Overridden. Represents an authentication challenge. This API supports the FIM 2010 infrastructure. Using this API directly from your code is not supported.
public property GateTypeId Overridden. Represents the gate type. This API supports the FIM 2010 infrastructure. Using this API directly from your code is not supported.
public property LockoutThreshold This value represents the number of times the user can fail to correctly answer the challenge questions before they have to wait a specified amount of time before they can try to answer the challenge questions again. This API supports the FIM 2010 infrastructure. Using this API directly from your code is not supported.

public property RequiresInteractiveRegistration Overridden. This API supports the FIM 2010 infrastructure. Using this API directly from your code is not supported.
public property ResponseTimeout  This API is currently not supported. (Inherited from AuthenticationGate)
public property Timeout Indicates the time in minutes that the user is locked out of attempting to answer challenge questions if they reach the timeout threshold. This API supports the FIM 2010 infrastructure. Using this API directly from your code is not supported.
public property TimeoutThreshold Number of times the user can reach the LockoutThreshold value before permanent lockout. This setting lets you specify the number of additional attempts to answer the challenge question(s), each separated by the Timeout duration time, before the user is permanently locked out of password reset. This API supports the FIM 2010 infrastructure. Using this API directly from your code is not supported.

Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property AuthenticationGateActivity  This API is currently not supported. (Inherited from AuthenticationGate)
protected property Mode  This API is currently not supported. (Inherited from AuthenticationGate)

See Also