During the provisioning step of Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service (FIM Synchronization Service), we recommend that you verify that on a FIM Synchronization Service database (metaverse) object, certain attribute values exist before you continue with the provisioning logic.

The following example shows how you can verify that an object has the required attribute and attribute values before provisioning logic creates new connectors. This specific example verifies that the employeeStatus attribute is present and contains either active or inactive.

If the employeeStatus attribute is not present or contains a value other than active or inactive, the example throws an UnexpectedDataException exception. The UnexpectedDataException exception causes the "extension-unexpected-attribute-value" error to appear in the Synchronization Service Manager for the management agent.

Visual Basic  Copy Code
Public Sub Provision(ByVal mventry As MVEntry) Implements IMVSynchronization.Provision
	If (Not mventry("employeeStatus").IsPresent) Then
		Throw New UnexpectedDataException("employeeStatus is not present.")
	End If

	' Employee Status can be either "active" or "inactive". Throw an 
	' exception for a value other than active or inactive.

	Dim strEmployeeStatus As String
	strEmployeeStatus = mventry("employeeStatus").Value.ToLower
	Select Case (strEmployeeStatus)
		Case "active", "inactive"
			System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Valid employeeStatus value: " + strEmployeeStatus)

		Case Else
			Throw New UnexpectedDataException("Invalid employeeStatus value: " + strEmployeeStatus)
	End Select
End Sub
C#  Copy Code
void IMVSynchronization.Provision(MVEntry mventry)
		throw new UnexpectedDataException("employeeStatus not present.");

	// Employee Status can be either "active" or "inactive". Throw an 
	// exception for a value other than active or inactive.

	string strEmployeeStatus = mventry["employeeStatus"].Value.ToLower();
		case "active":
		case "inactive":
			System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Valid employeeStatus value: " + strEmployeeStatus);

			throw new UnexpectedDataException("Invalid employeeStatus value: " + strEmployeeStatus);

See Also