This topic shows how a file-based connected data source uses connected data source extensions to import and export objects.
The following C# example shows how a file-based connected data source uses a connected data source extension to export objects. For more information about how this extension works, see Connected Data Source Extensions for File-Based Data Sources.
C# | ![]() |
using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Specialized; using Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices; namespace SampleMAFileExport { public class SampleMAFileExport : IMAExtensibleFileImport, IMAExtensibleFileExport { // // Constructor // public SampleMAFileExport() { m_xmlWriterExport = null; m_encoding = UnicodeEncoding.Unicode; } public void GenerateImportFile( string filename, string connectTo, string user, string password, ConfigParameterCollection configParameters, bool fullImport, TypeDescriptionCollection types, ref string customData ) { throw new EntryPointNotImplementedException(); } // // IMAExtensibleFileExport interface methods // public void DeliverExportFile( string fileName, string connectTo, string user, string password, ConfigParameterCollection configParameters, TypeDescriptionCollection types ) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( fileName, m_encoding ); string lineContents = null; string exportFile = null; exportFile = MAUtils.MAFolder.ToString() + @"\sample_export.xml"; m_xmlWriterExport= new XmlTextWriter( exportFile, m_encoding ); m_xmlWriterExport.WriteStartElement(Nodes.Root); while (null != (lineContents = sr.ReadLine())) { char[] commaEscape = new char[] {','}; char[] quoteEscape = new char[] {'"'}; string[] valueComponents = lineContents.Split(commaEscape); // // NOTE: In our sample, we assume that the order given to us // is: objectclass, delta, anchor-attribute, name, email // // // Check the objectclass node and see if this object class is // something that we are interested in. // if (Nodes.ObjectClass == valueComponents[0].Trim(quoteEscape)) { continue; } // // This means that we are interested in this object class. // Populate the comma-delimited file. // m_xmlWriterExport.WriteStartElement(Nodes.Object); m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.ObjectClass, valueComponents[0].Trim(quoteEscape)); m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Delta, valueComponents[1].Trim(quoteEscape)); m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Anchor, valueComponents[2].Trim(quoteEscape)); m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Name, valueComponents[3].Trim(quoteEscape)); m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Email, valueComponents[4].Trim(quoteEscape)); m_xmlWriterExport.WriteEndElement(); } m_xmlWriterExport.WriteEndElement(); m_xmlWriterExport.Close(); } // // Members // XmlTextWriter m_xmlWriterExport; Encoding m_encoding; } struct Nodes { // // Struct used to keep track of the XML node names. // This is used when generating the XML file. // public const string Root = "sample-objects"; public const string Object = "object"; public const string Anchor = "anchor-attribute"; public const string Delta = "delta"; public const string ObjectClass = "objectclass"; public const string Name = "name"; public const string Email = "email"; } } |
The following Visual Basic example shows how a file-based connected data source uses a connected data source extension to export objects. For more information about how this extension works, see Connected Data Source Extensions for File-Based Data Sources.
Visual Basic | ![]() |
Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Xml Imports System.Text Imports System.Collections.Specialized Imports Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices Public Class SampleMAFileExport Implements IMAExtensibleFileImport Implements IMAExtensibleFileExport Public Sub GenerateImportFile(ByVal fileName As String, _ ByVal connectTo As String, _ ByVal user As String, _ ByVal password As String, _ ByVal configParameters As ConfigParameterCollection, _ ByVal fFullImport As Boolean, _ ByVal types As TypeDescriptionCollection, _ ByRef customData As String) _ Implements IMAExtensibleFileImport.GenerateImportFile Throw New EntryPointNotImplementedException End Sub Public Sub DeliverExportFile(ByVal fileName As String, _ ByVal connectTo As String, _ ByVal user As String, _ ByVal password As String, _ ByVal configParameters As ConfigParameterCollection, _ ByVal types As TypeDescriptionCollection) _ Implements IMAExtensibleFileExport.DeliverExportFile Dim sr As New StreamReader(fileName, m_encoding) Dim lineContents As String = Nothing Dim exportFile As String = Nothing exportFile = MAUtils.MAFolder.ToString() + "\sample_export.xml" m_xmlWriterExport = New XmlTextWriter(exportFile, m_encoding) m_xmlWriterExport.WriteStartElement(Nodes.Root) While (Not (lineContents = sr.ReadLine())) Dim commaEscape() As Char = {","c} Dim quoteEscape() As Char = {ControlChars.Quote} Dim valueComponents As String() = lineContents.Split(commaEscape) ' ' NOTE: In our sample, we assume that the order given to us is: ' objectclass, delta,anchor-attribute, name, e-mail ' ' ' Check the objectclass node and see if this object class is ' something that we are interested in. ' If Nodes.ObjectClass = valueComponents(0).Trim(quoteEscape) Then GoTo ContinueWhile1 End If ' ' This means that we are interested in this object class. ' Populate the comma-delimited file. ' m_xmlWriterExport.WriteStartElement(Nodes.Object) m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.ObjectClass, valueComponents(0).Trim(quoteEscape)) m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Delta, valueComponents(1).Trim(quoteEscape)) m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Anchor, valueComponents(2).Trim(quoteEscape)) m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Name, valueComponents(3).Trim(quoteEscape)) m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Email, valueComponents(4).Trim(quoteEscape)) m_xmlWriterExport.WriteEndElement() ContinueWhile1: End While m_xmlWriterExport.WriteEndElement() m_xmlWriterExport.Close() End Sub Private m_xmlWriterExport As XmlTextWriter Private m_encoding As Encoding End Class Module Nodes ' ' Struct used to keep track of the XML node names. ' This is used when generating the XML file. ' Public Const Root As String = "sample-objects" Public Const [Object] As String = "object" Public Const Anchor As String = "anchor-attribute" Public Const Delta As String = "delta" Public Const ObjectClass As String = "objectclass" Public Const Name As String = "name" Public Const Email As String = "email" End Module 'Nodes |