The following examples show how to set the value for an attribute that is configured for manual precedence only if a specified management agent changes the value. The first time the attribute is set, the example sets the attribute. From then on, only the management agent that first set the attribute can change the attribute. Other management agents cannot change the attribute value.

Visual Basic  Copy Code
Public Sub MapAttributesForImport(ByVal FlowRuleName As String, _
	ByVal csentry As CSEntry, _
	ByVal mventry As MVEntry) _
	Implements IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForImport

	Select Case FlowRuleName
		Case "Given Name Precedence"
			Const MVAttributeName = "cn"
			Const CSAttributeName = "displayName"
			If mventry(MVAttributeName).IsPresent Then

				' Only allow the original management agent to modify the attribute.
				If mventry(MVAttributeName).LastContributingMA.Equals(csentry.MA) Then
					mventry(MVAttributeName).Value = csentry(CSAttributeName).Value
					Throw New DeclineMappingException
				End If


				' This is the first time the attribute is being set.
				mventry(MVAttributeName).Value = csentry(CSAttributeName).Value
			End If
	End Select
End Sub
C#  Copy Code
void IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForImport(string FlowRuleName, 
	CSEntry csentry, 
	MVEntry mventry)
		case "Given Name Precedence":
			string MVAttributeName = "cn";
			string CSAttributeName = "displayName";

				// Only allow the original management agent to modify the attribute.
					mventry[MVAttributeName].Value = csentry[CSAttributeName].Value;
					throw new DeclineMappingException();

				// This is the first time the attribute is being set.
				mventry[MVAttributeName].Value = csentry[CSAttributeName].Value;

See Also