Retrieves the domain name of the connector space object in domain name system (DNS) format.
public FullyQualifiedDomainName |
Name : FullyQualifiedDomainName
Data Type : String
The following example shows how to use Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) to search for a connector space object by using the FullyQualifiedDomainName property.
Visual Basic Script | ![]() |
Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Const PktPrivacy = 6 ' Authentication level Dim Service Dim CsObjects Dim CsObject Dim MAObjects Dim MAObject Dim ObjCount Set Service = GetObject("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=PktPrivacy}!root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer") ' sAMAccount name of the object. Dim SAMName SAMName = "JeffSmith" ' Domain name used in the search. Dim DomainName DomainName = "" Dim Query Query = "Select * from MIIS_CSObject where FullyQualifiedDomain = '" Query = Query & DomainName & "' and account = '" & SAMName & "'" Set CsObjects = Service.ExecQuery (Query) ObjCount = 0 For Each CsObject in Csobjects ObjCount = ObjCount + 1 Query = "Select * from MIIS_ManagementAgent where guid='"& CSObject.MaGuid &"'" Set MAObjects = Service.ExecQuery(Query) For Each MAObject in MAObjects Wscript.Echo "Imported from the " & MAObject.Name & " management agent." Next Next If ObjCount = 0 then WScript.Echo "The object with the name " & SAMName & " was not found." End If Sub ErrorHandler (ErrorMessage) WScript.Echo ErrorMessage WScript.Quit(1) End Sub |
Product |
Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service 2010 |
Mmswmi.mof |