To import a configuration

For ISA Server 2006 Enterprise Edition, do the following:

  1. In the console tree of ISA Server Management, click the applicable array:
  2. On the Tasks tab, click Import (Restore) Array Configuration.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

For ISA Server 2006 Standard Edition, do the following:

  1. In the console tree of ISA Server Management, click the ISA Server computer name:
  2. On the Tasks tab, click Import from an Exported ISA Server Configuration File.
  3. In Look in, browse to the folder with the file you are importing.
  4. In File name, specify the file name of the .xml file you are importing.
  5. To import user permissions, click Import user permission settings. This option is only available if user permissions were exported.
  6. To import server specific details, such as cache drive settings, click Import server specific details. This option is only available if this information was exported.
  7. If confidential information was exported with the file, specify the password required to decrypt the confidential information.




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